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No Place Like Home #1

Head Over Cleats

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Iris Copeland has sworn off men. She has a glorious daughter, parents willing to let her come back home after her nasty divorce, and more sharp knives than she knows what to do with, thanks to her folks’ post-retirement business venture. Maybe it wasn’t quite the life she planned, but between her daughter and opening the pet shop she’s always dreamed of with her best friend, life is good.

Until Trey Callihan comes to town. Though Iris loves Roy, the old man out on Three Squirrel Ranch who is a fixture in the tiny town of Solano Creek, she’s a lot less sure about his tall, broad, handsome grandson. Why would a pro athlete be hanging out in a place like this?

The answer, certainly, is that he won’t be for long. That’s why Iris decides her best defense is a strong offense. She’ll stay far, far away from that athletic mountain of a man to avoid accidentally admitting how ridiculously charming she finds him, or how completely smitten her daughter already is with her baseball idol.

But when it looks like Trey might be staying to help his grandfather, Iris lets her guard slip. And while their relationship feels like a perfect day at the field for a while, Trey mixes things up just as she gets comfortable, and reminds her that even an easy pitch can be hard to hit…

Will Trey convince Iris to give him a chance? Or will it be a shut out?

First published June 13, 2022

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About the author

Marika Ray

77 books1,310 followers
Marika is a USA Today bestselling author writing steamy RomComs to make your heart explode and bring a smile to your face. She lives by the beach and posts a delightful number of hot lifeguard pictures.

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Hellman Brothers Series

Grumpy As Hell (Hellman Brothers #1) by Marika Ray Bro Code Hell (Hellman Brothers #2) by Marika Ray Friend Zone Hell (Hellman Brothers #3) by Marika Ray Cougar From Hell (Hellman Brothers #4) by Marika Ray Falling First Hell (Hellman Brothers Book 5) by Marika Ray

Sisters From Hell Series

Ridin' Solo by Marika Ray One Night Bride (Sisters From Hell Book 2) by Marika Ray Smarty Pants (Sisters From Hell Book 3) by Marika Ray
Ex Best Thing (Sisters From Hell, #4) by Marika Ray

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Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews
Profile Image for Lori R..
1,343 reviews68 followers
June 13, 2022
I loved this delightfully charming story so much!! I swear I smiled through the entire book. And I love that within the first 10 pages we get the word weiner. LOL

Seriously though… This talented author duo delivered another heartwarming story with an amazing cast of characters that I fell hard for. Everything about this book made my heart happy.

Trey Callihan is everything. Swoony, sexy, kind, thoughtful, determined. He returns to Solano Creek to check on his grandpa after being told his health was declining. He quickly sees what he’s been missing and what his heart has been wanting all along - family, memories, home, love. He also sees that good ol’ gramps may have fibbed just a bit.

I loved Trey and Iris together. His charm plus her sass & stubbornness made their chemistry too strong to fight against. And Trey & Little Miss Dahlia together? Be still my heart. She’s adorable, she’s clever, and she won his heart over with her love of baseball. And she often stole the show.

Not only was this loaded with humor and cuteness and swoons galore, it had tons of heart too. When I wasn’t smiling, my heartstrings were being pulled. I wanted to give so many characters all the hugs.

Did I mention I loved this book?!

The ending was perfectly set up for the next Callihan hottie and I can’t wait! I already love Carter. DIBS.
Profile Image for Rebecca.
458 reviews17 followers
June 3, 2022
The dynamic duo of Marika Ray and Delancey Stewart strike again, in the very best way with first extraordinary book in their newest series. I could tell after reading, I believe, the first ten or so chapters that I was going to F-LOVE this book like I have so many others. Their books hit all the right boxes for a good romcom. Funny, romantic, a good plot and plot twist plus a great ending and this book was especially exceptional. Each book of theirs gets better and better and I look forward to their continuing works.
Profile Image for Gladys.
12.3k reviews140 followers
June 5, 2022
I thought this book was a great start for this new series and just an all-around delightful romance. These authors skillfully crafted a fun and filled with feels storyline that delivers a potent emotional punch while making you laugh and swoon. Small town charm, a relatable storyline, a cast of easy to love main and secondary characters AND a scene stealing adorable little girl, a too cute pup and one meddling grampa make this a book (and series) that is almost ridiculously easy to get pulled into and firmly wrapped up in. I adored it and can't wait for more! I need book two to get some more much needed love, light and laughter in my life. I am volitionally posting a candid review.
Profile Image for Tammy Moldovan.
1,515 reviews18 followers
June 3, 2022
Hilarious swoony and heart warming story

I loved Trey and Iris’ sweet and heart-warming story about family bonds, loyalty, leaps of faith, and choices. It’s filled with all the emotions, the connections and the love. I read the book in one sitting and smiled my way through the whole story. The book has a little bit of everything - sweet moments, strong friendships, supportive family, laughs, painful pasts, a cute dog, nosy townspeople, and all the sweet love. Iris is a single mother who currently lives with her parents. She moved back to Solano Creek last year after her divorce and opened a pet store with her best friend. Trey is a professional MLB pitcher who just retired. He spent summers as a child in Solano Creek visiting his grandfather, Roy. Trey is back in Solano Creek temporarily because Roy intimated that his health is failing and asks Trey to come see him. Trey and Iris meet when he brings Roy’s dog into Iris’ shop for a dog collar. The meet cute with Trey wearing a shirt soaked in dog pee and seeming to be clueless about his own pet was hilarious perfection and a great beginning to Trey, Iris and Dahlia’s HEA. The book was well written with witty dialogue, characters with depth who grow, and an engaging storyline. These authors do such a wonderful job developing interesting supporting characters - Roy’s machinations, Dahlia’s joyful precociousness, and Juni’s deep supportive friendship helped to round out the story. I am excited to read Carter’s story next, the teasers were quite enticing.
Profile Image for Jenn  M..
568 reviews12 followers
June 6, 2022
Marika Ray and Delancey Stewart bring us back to the small town of Solano Creek with an all new rom-com series.

Head Over Cleats begins with a prologue that you might remember from The Text Before Christmas, book 5 in the Digital Dating series. If you have not read the Digital Dating series- no worries this new series can 100% be read and enjoyed on its own. The set up to this series is that Roy, an older man that owns a lot of land in Solano Creek is trying to get all his grandchildren to come back together and mend relationships without explicitly telling them what they are coming back to Solano Creek for. First up is his grandson Trey, a recently retired professional baseball player.

I wasn't quite sure what to make of Trey at first. He comes in like this summons from his estranged grandfather puts him out. He acts like he cannot fathom small town living or dealing with Batman- his grandfather's weiner dog- which admittedly had me hooked because I have the biggest soft spot for dachshunds and made me miss mine even more. Though the more the story continued the more caring and sweet Trey became not only for his grandfather but also toward Iris, her daughter and many others. Iris- the pet shop co-owner came blazing into the story a little strung out and defensive. As her walls crumbled and she became more open and trusting toward Trey everything about their relationship was adorable.

This book is super sweet and cute. Just like the Digital Dating series it is also a clean romance- so while there are some references and allusions to more intimate moments, they are not explicitly part of the story. The quirkiness of the characters, situations and moments add a lot of humor to the story that just left me feeling happy right along with them. Trey and Iris' romance is a total whirlwind and for as defensive as Iris was at the idea of any kind of relationship this story moves from distaste to head over heels in the blink of an eye. Sometimes those really fast relationships just feel too much for me but I didn't hate it- sometimes you just need that fluffy sweet cotton candy kind of romance and this one hit just right for me.

I can't wait to get to learn more about Trey's brother, Carter. That last chapter where they teased his personality and disposition has me excited to see how his journey to HEA plays out next!
Profile Image for Cecilia Dawn.
142 reviews1 follower
June 5, 2022
I'm so glad these two decided to team up for another series! Their Digital Dating series was full of heart, fun, and was the perfect escape. And this series is starting out strong to be the same!

Trey is a man who has lost the tether of baseball that has been his life since his teens. Feeling adrift, he takes his Grandfather up on the invitation to come visit. Little did he know, this quick visit had the potential to redefine the rest of his life.

Iris will do anything for her daughter, Dahlia. She's opened a pet store with her best friend and is focusing on providing the best life she can. The last thing she needs is a man, or so she thinks.

Their story is one of mutual growth, as they navigate the unexpected in the small town of Solano Creek.
Profile Image for Shebb.
653 reviews
June 6, 2022
A great start to the Digital Dating/Solano Creek spinoff series!

I enjoyed this sweet and quirky baseball/ single mum romance set in wine country Solano Creek. Iris and Trey were a great team, even if they set off each other's insecurities. Dahlia was adorable, and Grandpa/Roy and Batman the perfect pair.

I liked the return visit to Cunning Ham wines and hope the next books cross paths with the Cunningham family. Plus all the other fun places in town... awesome bakery name. 🤣

NB I received an ARC of this novel.
Profile Image for Jaime Reynolds.
1,815 reviews21 followers
June 4, 2022
These two authors never disappoint with the laughter, love and all the feels. I needed something to lift me up and this story did the trick. Belly laughing to the point where I actually snorted. It’s perfect and will brighten your day. Be prepared to fall in love while reading and get nothing accomplished because you will not be able to put this one down.
491 reviews5 followers
June 13, 2022
Goodness! This book is so freakin' adorable. Between the meddling grandpa and the adorable baseball loving daughter, it made my heart smile. Trey was a wonderful leading man who took the time to woo Iris and her daughter. I highly recommend picking up this wonderfully crafted story! I received an early copy of this story in exchange for my honest thoughts.
Profile Image for Lady M..
1,142 reviews4 followers
June 13, 2022
Easy 4 1/2 stars. This was super cute, a spin off from their previous texting series. You have a hyper dog named Batman (that made me want to giggle every time I read it) and an adorable, baseball loving little girl that you can't help but love. The book was MADE by those 2 alone! It's clean, closed door sex and I think I onlybrecall them saying @ss once. But you don't even miss that stuff because it was such a fun series starter
Profile Image for Regan.
775 reviews4 followers
October 29, 2023
This book is the first in a spinoff series from the Digital Dating series, so some of the characters are carryovers. But the main focus is on newcomers. Roy has gotten his grandson Trey to come visit him by hinting that he’s on his last legs. Trey is a famous baseball player who just retired due to a shoulder injury. When he arrives he finds a dachshund that slipped his collar. The dog turns out to belong to Roy, who tells him to take the dog, named Batman, to the local pet store for a new one.
There he meets a precocious 7 year old girl who loves baseball and her mom who is less than impressed with him. Iris is divorced from a man who wants nothing to do with her or her daughter Dahlia. She’s determined to protect them both from men, especially a ball player who doesn’t know if he wants to stay and has the media tracking him down.
I enjoyed this book and I would recommend it to everyone.
Profile Image for Confessions of a Bookaholic.
563 reviews26 followers
June 10, 2022
This book has everything....a hunky baseball player, an adorable little girl, a reserved mama bear, an adorable grandpa, and a spitfire of a dachshund named Batman....it gets no better than that!

Trey Callihan is getting over a career ending injury when his grandpa asks him to come to Solano Creek. Up until Trey was 14 years old he spent every single summer with his grandparents. There was a falling out between his father and grandfather and he suffered because of it. Now many years later his life is at a point where he can get out there to see his grandpa and little did he know his life was about to change in a way he never would have expected.

Iris Copeland returned home to Solano Creek after getting divorced. She and her daughter, Dahlia, live in the garage apartment at her parents house and she runs a pet store with her best friend. She is very guarded when it comes to her heart and that of her daughter's so it was only natural of her to be skeptical of the big time baseball star that has popped up in town. She tries as hard as she can to resist him but Trey is too persuasive and she soon finds herself seeing the real him and not the athlete persona.

I wouldn't quite call this love at first sight but it was definitely quick love. Iris and Dahlia are what Trey never knew he wanted in life until he met them. The immediate bond he forms with Dahlia is so precious. Then there is the way that Trey shows Iris how a lady should be treated....he is such a romantic! The relationship between him and his grandfather gradually being put back together was so very touching. I absolutely adore Roy (grandpa).

Marika Ray and Delancey Stewart are off to a fantastic start with this spin-off series. This book is full of wholesomeness and all the feel good moments a person could think up. Not to mention they left me very intrigued about Trey's brother Carter and what his story will be.
873 reviews12 followers
June 5, 2022
What an amazing start to a new series!! I am thrilled that the authors have revisited the quaint town of Solano Creek and the fun characters that live there. Pam Cunnigham is the perfect hostess at her winery as she welcomed our hero, Trey Callihan, who was visiting his grandfather. Trey is handsome, sexy and charming, and easily won the hearts of all the ladies in town.

The one woman he does want to impress is Iris Copeland who reluctantly agreed to train his grandfather’s dog, Batman. Iris wasn’t sure how she felt about Trey after he stopped by her shop to outfit Batman with everything a dog could possibly need. He was too good looking, too sexy and way out of her league. Unfortunately, her daughter Dahlia, a huge baseball fan, acted as if the entire World Series team had come to town. Dahlia was an encyclopedia of baseball knowledge and quickly fell under Trey’s spell. Iris did not need her daughter falling for a man who would only be around for a short time.

Trey had other ideas and went out of his way to spend time with Iris and Dahlia. He was slowly getting used to small town life even though the never ending gossip was hard to get used to. Iris tried to keep their relationship strictly business, but Trey expertly charmed his way into her heart. He made her feel special, they had fun together and he was a good role model for Dahlia. Could Iris trust her heart to a man who has everything? Would Trey become bored in Solano Creek and miss baseball too much to stay?
Profile Image for Kristen Lewendon.
7,784 reviews49 followers
June 12, 2022
The authors have done it again. In a clever left turn from the Cunning Ham winery, we’re back in Solano Creek watching the Callihan family while they work through some old baggage that needs unpacking. First up is grandson Trey, who needs to figure out what he’s going to do now that his professional baseball career has come to an end. Single-mom, Iris, has some pretty deep relationship scars thank to her ex. That makes her extra wary of trusting anyone with a Y-chromosome. I thought these two were adorable together. They’re not quite enemies-to-lovers, but there’s a lot of that kind of energy around them, giving us lots of sizzle and snarky banter. They also lived that old adage about never working with children and pets, because Dahlia and Batman completely stole the show. I’m not sure what the author’s have up their sleeve for the next Callihan grandson, but I am so here for it.
I received a complimentary advanced copy of this book from the authors.
Profile Image for Laura.
391 reviews
June 9, 2022
I love love loved this!
If you are looking for something that will just make you feel all warm and fuzzy look no further!
Small town rom-com at its best!
Head Over Cleats is the first in a new series from two of my favourite authors. It was such a warm light hearted read, just what I was needing.
Both Iris and Trey are at a little bit of a cross roads in their lives but the minute Trey claps his eyes on Iris it is game over!
I absolutely loved Trey and Iris! I can not wait to read the next book in the series.
Profile Image for Linda Dunn.
1,108 reviews24 followers
June 6, 2022
Nothing is ever too good to be true...

Small town romance, an adorable girl named Dahlia and a dog named Batman, it can't get any better than that. This charming story had me snickering throughout. Trey and Iris are a perfect match made in heaven, but it took some time to get there. But it was so worth the wait.

Grandpa Roy was a hoot and definitely added a lot of laugh-a-minute entertainment. A delightful start to a series that I look forward to reading.
695 reviews3 followers
June 9, 2022
I received this book as a arc member. I give my thought of my own free will . Trey a retired baseball player comes to Solano creek to see his grandfather . Meets iris and her daughter dahlia . This was a well written story I enjoyed . Iris don’t trust men so trey works hard to prove he is a good one . Way better then 5 stars . Loved it . Must read.
Profile Image for Read.Review.Repeat Blog.
5,303 reviews97 followers
June 12, 2022
Such a great feel good story full of chuckles and heart! With a senior blackmailing, matchmaker an adorable dog, instant attraction, and hearts big enough for the world, all combine for a fantastic story. I am so glad this duo is continuing in Solano Creek and I can't wait to see whose story is next.
Profile Image for Jacqueline Kinion Falkenberry.
256 reviews10 followers
June 3, 2022
These two sure know how to pull you into a story. I love the town and getting a glimpse of the winery at the beginning. Iris has trouble trusting men and I loved how patient Trey was in winning her heart. His scenes with Dahlia were heart warming. Grandpa Roy sure knows how to play matchmaker just curious who he is cooking up for the brother Carter. Great start of the new series.
June 10, 2022
After the "Texting" Series, I wanted more Solano Creek and these two authors delivered!
Get to know more residents and shops of the quirky town of Solano Creek.
Trey and Iris' story is a lighthearted take on starting "the next chapter" of life after each experiences the end of a previous career or relationship.
Profile Image for Cindy Fong.
1,774 reviews
June 10, 2022
Such a great feel good story full of chuckles and heart! With a senior blackmailing, matchmaker an adorable dog, instant attraction, and hearts big enough for the world, all combine for a fantastic story. I am so glad this duo is continuing in Solano Creek and I can't wait to see whose story is next.
243 reviews3 followers
June 14, 2022
So sweet and adorable I craved iced tea while reading it. It’s a familiar small town with the Cunning Ham winery and Roy as a master mind match maker. The animals are cute and I now want a squirrel.

The little baseball girl is amazing and Iris is just the right amount of sassy and jaded. Trey is swoonworthy and together they will give you a really great time. It’s a wonderful start to a new series and I can’t wait for the next one.
Profile Image for Ashley Klein.
39 reviews2 followers
June 17, 2022
This book was so sweet! I loved watching Iris and Trey fall in love. The entire cast of Solano Creek kept me in stitches! This was an excellent addition to the Digital Dating book world.
Profile Image for Sloth Incarnate.
386 reviews26 followers
July 17, 2022
Literally in the beginning:

1. “I hadn’t seen a FEMALE with freckles in years.” You can say “woman.” It’s not that hard.
2. “That eyeliner crap” ok, asshole.
3. “A pretty woman in her natural state” fuck off
Profile Image for Lisa Sssshhhh I’m reading.
172 reviews1 follower
June 22, 2022
overall a great read

This would have been a five-star read if they hadn’t left out the sexy scenes…. Great story, great characters, good story pacing but no real steam. It turns out, I really need the steam!
1,527 reviews31 followers
June 26, 2022
3.5 Stars
If you’re looking for an easy, PG-rated small town contemporary romance with just enough angst to keep it interesting Head Over Cleats may be just what you’re looking for.
Iris Copeland is a struggling single mom of precocious seven-year-old daughter Dahlia. After an ugly divorce from her cheating husband Iris returned to Soldano Creek to rent the small apartment above her parents’ garage. With the help of her parents (since her ex isn’t paying any child support) she along with her childhood friend Juniper or Juni have opened Meow Now the pet store they dreamed of opening as children. The store is running in the black but barely showing enough profit to provide Iris with the income she needs to support herself and her daughter. If I read the story correctly Iris had a powerful physical attraction to her worthless ex-husband but they only married when she became pregnant with Dahlia. He proved to be an even less involved father than he was a husband. Iris has convinced herself that she’s done with men. Especially handsome men that set her body tingling. Enter Trey Callihan
Trey Callihan is a recently forced to retire due to injury, MLB superstar. The authors spend so many words describing how big and muscular Trey is that I thought surely he must be a power hitting first baseman or outfielder. But I was wrong. He’s a former many times All-Star pitcher and league MVP who is forced into retirement by a bum shoulder. It’s just a pet peeve of mine that really isn’t relevant to the story that contemporary authors who write stories involving sports heroes struggle mightily to match the position of the player with the body type they give them. So you end up with football wide receivers the size of offensive tackles and cornerbacks the size of defensive ends. Would it have made the Trey character any less attractive to female readers if he’d been described as tall, broad shouldered and leanly muscled as most MLB pitchers are, rather than built like the Incredible Hulk? I suspect not. Anyway, now at loose ends at what to do with the rest of his life now that he’s come to grips with the reality that his baseball career is truly over, Trey receives a call from his octogenarian grandfather Roy whom he hasn’t seen since he was 14, twenty years ago. At that time Trey and his grandfather had been close. Roy although he’s very much hale and hearty for a man his age makes it sound like he doesn’t have much time left in appealing to his grandson to come see him on his 40-acre ranch in Soldano Creek Ca. After the sudden death of Trey’s grandmother, Roy’s wife, Roy and Trey’s father had a falling out. He no longer allowed his boys to spend part of their summer at the ranch as he had in the past. It’s been 20 years since Trey his younger brother and two cousins have seen their grandfather. Roy has a plan. He wants to get his broken family back together. Trey is the first domino in his plan to fall. Roy manipulates things so that Trey and Iris are frequently forced into close proximity. The fact that Dahlia is a huge baseball fan who idolizes Trey doesn’t hurt his cause.
Trey is attracted to the beautiful Iris who doesn’t waste much time on her hair and makeup and is the first woman he’s met who isn’t enamored with his fame, fortune and good looks. He sets out to chip away at her defenses by allowing her to get to know him whether she wants to or not. It starts when Roy convinces Iris to give dog training lessons to his dachshund Batman with Trey. Which since Roy and not Trey is Batman's owner makes no sense except to further this story along. Trey is equally enchanted with young Dahlia and it is his interactions with her that leads Iris to eventually go on a date with him. After their first date Iris and Trey are sharing stolen kisses but Iris is still cautious because of Trey’s celebrity and unsureness of where his life is taking him. When Trey blurts out that he loves Iris and she admits she loves him too things starting moving really fast and both are on Cloud Nine. Only thanks to Trey’s agent (who he should have fired) things get all messed up and the couple need to work through the misunderstandings and Iris’s trust issues to have their happily ever after.
Profile Image for Flavs is Mrs David Gandy♥~♥’.
3,159 reviews2 followers
June 13, 2022
This was a funny romance story…
Iris is a single mother who moved back to her hometown due to a divorce. Now she’s living with her parents and running her own pet store with her best friend. She is happy for now with her life. She has her dream of owning her pet store, she has her funny, cheeky little girl and although she’s not too happy with her meddling parents everything is fine. So meeting Trey Callihan, is not what she was expecting. And no matter how much she wants to let herself go and get involved with him, she cant risk him leaving and her ending up broken hearted. So best is to stay far away from him, right…

Trey Callihan is a professional baseball player. Who is getting over an injury and retiring. So when he gets a summons from his grandfather, what can he do but to Solano Creek where he spent his summers. Hopefully it’s a quick trip and he can leave soon. What he didn’t expect was to meet Iris and her little girl… If only Iris would give him the time of day…

I enjoyed this one. I got hooked with that prologue and the grandfather and the little dog 😊 And then Iris and Trey’s first meeting you just knew it was going to be a good one. Oh my word her little girl was just the cutest and most adorable in the story. She was totally infatuated with Trey. I loved that Trey was so patient with Iris and did everything he could to spend time with her. I loved the whole small-town vibe and everyone knowing everything, lol. I am definitely looking forward to the next story in this new series 😊

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Fay’s Corner
Profile Image for Tina Hobbs Payne.
529 reviews7 followers
June 23, 2022
For one thing, I was not the kind of woman men like Trey Callihan developed real feelings for. I wasn't shiny or young, didn't have experience jet-setting or appearing on television. I imagined myself at his side, and swallowed hard at the image. I was like a dull lump of coal next to the shiny diamond that was Trey's public persona. We did not fit.

But Iris WANTED them to fit. Trey weaved himself into her daily life though she tried to avoid him. He's friendly, warm, kind and genuine. How could she really stay away? Not to mention how wonderful he was with her daughter.

Trey came to town to figure out his retired life after baseball. What he hadn't expected was falling in love with Solano Creek. He especially didn't expect to meet and fall for the "girl next door", Iris Copeland. Seeing how his life could be now was something he couldn't ignore. Happiness started to look different than he ever thought.

I love this story. I love the dynamic between Trey and Iris. I love their chemistry. And I can't ignore the awesome grandfather, Roy, bringing his family back together!
536 reviews5 followers
June 14, 2022
Iris is a single mom, back in her hometown, living with her parents and doing the best she can with her new business and with life in general. Trey is a newly retired baseball player, visiting his grandpa in the small town he loved to visit in the summer before his parents divorced, trying to figure out what is going on with him. Trey is slightly adrift, not sure what he wants to do now that his baseball career is over. But he does know he wants to spend time with Iris and her baseball-loving daughter. Can two people from such different worlds make a go of it?

I love both of these authors. Their books together are funny and kind and steamy, This book starts a new series, but it is in the same small town their previous series took place in. You would not have to read the other series to enjoy this one but there are some characters from the other series that show up in this book.

I read an Advance Reader Copy of this book.
508 reviews
August 25, 2023
Retired ballplayer and the single mom

This is a new series from Delancey and Marika. It starts with Trey Callihan, retired baseball player and Iris Copeland, divorced mom whose sworn off men.
Iris returned home after her divorce with her seven year old daughter in tow. She opens a pet store with a childhood friend. Trey comes to town when his grandfather calls him, sounding mysterious. They meet when Trey's grandfather Roy sends him to the store for supplies for Roy's new dog. Iris dislikes Trey at first, feeling some insecurities about the handsome player. Her daughter, Dahlia, is in instant like of Trey because she loves baseball.
Roy convinces Iris to come to his place and help train the dog. It's a set up but neither realize it at first. Little by little they get to know each other and develop real feelings.
A good read and start to new series. Lots of wonderful interactions with others and greatvsmall town feels. Grandpa Roy is a hoot. Dahlia is a riot.
Displaying 1 - 30 of 75 reviews

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